Tuesday, February 07, 2006

DWYL Chapter 8

Where is the war of the Christian life fought?

Explain why “secular vocations” are strategic in the war?

In your own words, list the six ways described by Piper in which we can make Christ look glorious in our jobs. (Jobs can include career, home, school, retirement, etc.)

Most people are not in “vocational ministry” (i.e. pastors, missionaries, etc.). What implications does this chapter have for the life well lived for such people?

To whom is the possibility of a non-wasted life available? Where is such a life lived out? What connects and unifies all the things they seek to do?

1 comment:

DSF said...

Lesson 8 – Based on the material from Chapter 8: Making Much of Christ from 8 to 5
In this chapter John Piper urges us to view “secular jobs” as strategic bases of operation in the effort to make Jesus Christ known and cherished. Moving beyond our vocations, how can we make Christ known and cherished in all the other areas of our lives? If we can make much of Jesus from 8-5, how can we make much of him from 5-8?

1. “Do everything to the glory of God”
1.1. Read 1 Corinthians 10:31
1.2. Define the word “glory” in this verse.
1.3. What does it mean to do something “to the glory of God”?
1.3.1. Read page 32 in DWYL
1.3.2. Think of other ways of saying “to the glory of God”

2. “Do everything to the glory of God”
2.1. What, if anything, does not apply to this command?
2.2. Read 1 Timothy 4:4-5.
2.2.1. How is God praised in these verses?
2.2.2. Are there other ways besides giving thanks that show God to be the glorious God he is and bring him praise?
2.2.3. What basis does Paul assume in these verses for believing that everything should be used to bring praise to God? God created the whole world, and thus intended for the whole world to display his glory Furthermore, God also sent his Son to redeem the world and thus all things are moving toward the new creation (cf. Revelation 21:5)
2.3. But does this really mean everything? Explain how eating a meal can be worshipful.

3. The “everything” in your life
3.1. Acknowledging God’s goodness in creation, and Christ’s work which brings about new creation should modify the tendency to compartmentalize our lives into “secular” and “spiritual” categories
3.2. Read “Stay in Your Job ‘with God’” on page 135 in DWYL
3.3. Piper has discussed some very practical ways in which to glorify God in the workplace
3.4. What about areas in our lives outside of our jobs? Spend the rest of the time thinking of how we can show God to be glorious with all the other things we do in our lives.
3.4.1. To begin, use the inventory sheet of activities that you compiled last week. What about God can be displayed in each of these activities? How have we sinfully distorted the display of God in each of these areas of life?
3.4.2. Remember, we are not simply seeking to show God’s goodness and beauty and value to our own selves. Rather the joy we have in God overflows in such a way to push us to show others this glorious God. We are aiming to glorify God in all things so that we can draw others into enjoying God with us. Another way of saying 1 Corinthians 10:31 is “Do everything so as to make God look like the beautiful God he is for others to see and enjoy.” Think, then, of ways in which we can use what we talk about here to attract others to the Glory of God.