Saturday, February 18, 2006

DWYL Chapter 9

The Majesty of Christ in Missions and Mercy – A Plea to This Generation

Why must a passion for the supremacy of God in all things through Jesus Christ strive for the joy of all peoples worldwide?

Why does Piper include the accounts of Adoniram Judson and the Student Volunteer Movement?

How can we pursue a global vision of Christ’s exaltation as a sender? How do the insights from the previous chapter connect to the role of a sender? How are you pursuing the global cause of Christ and what can you do to make Christ known worldwide?

1 comment:

DSF said...

Lesson 9 – Globally-Minded Worship

Use this lesson as a brainstorming session to find ways to help one another become more globally-minded Christians. The intent is to produce activity rather simply discussion about how to reach the nations with the gospel.

1. The glory of Christ and love for people, worldwide
1.1. Read “If You Come With No Interest or Knowledge” and the biblical texts cited on pages 159-161 in DWYL
1.1.1. How does this vision of missions flow out of the pursuit of God’s glory in Jesus Christ
1.1.2. How does this vision flow out of one’s joy in Christ
1.1.3. How does this vision flow out of the life of biblical love?
1.2. Missions is not an optional part of Christianity – It stems from the very foundations of the Christian faith
1.3. How, then, can we become more globally-minded, missions-minded Christians?

2. Practical suggestions for the cultivation and encouragement of a heart for missions
2.1. Read about missions
2.2. Learn about other unreached people groups and different cultures (even in your own city)
2.3. Take a Perspectives course (see U.S. Center for World Missions)
2.4. Learn about the missionaries your church supports
2.4.1. Help your church support their missionaries financially
2.4.2. Pray for the missionaries your church supports
2.4.3. Support these missionaries through letters and e-mails when possible
2.5. Go on short terms missions trips

Ministry Activities

Chapter 1-3: Engaging Worldviews

Witness to an unbeliever you know
Invite an unbelieving co-worker/friend/family member to come to church with you
Do open air evangelism/hand out tracts
College campuses
Door to door
Sidewalk evangelism in the city

Write a letter to the local newspaper about a current issue from a Christian perspective

Create and host an independent film festival

Visit another church, temple, mosque, or club making observations
Change your group location to a conspicuous location that is conducive to people wondering what you are doing.
Chapter 4-6: Practical Love to Our Neighbor

Ministry to the elderly
Doing yard work/household chores
Visiting nursing homes

Ministry to the poor
Soup kitchens
Service in a homeless shelter
Donate clothes, money, food to an urban ministry

Do a prayer walk in your neighborhood

Cook a meal for someone in need

Raise financial aid for someone in crisis

Find local crisis-pregnancy centers to serve in

Budget money each month to give to someone in need and then pray that God would show you who.

Bless an inner city or rural church with practical service, fellowship, or an offering.

Chapter 7-8: Ministry with a View to the World

Write a letter to a missionary

Learn about an unreached people group

Contact a local World Relief center and find opportunities to minister to international peoples in your area

Attend international gatherings at a local university

Budget money monthly to support a missionary effort.

Research and plan a cross cultural short term mission trip (this can be overseas, across the state, town, or street)